How do I love thee? Let me count the ways!!! As I wax poetic on the wonders of elf’s Pout Perfecter, I ponder where this lip gloss was when I was in sixth grade and just learning about the joys of makeup, specifically lip gloss! Back then my gloss of choice was Bonne Belle’s Lip Smackers in raspberry and root beer. Another favorite was a sticky, Juicy Fruit gum smelling and tasting gloss in a roller ball applicator. Ahhhh…those were great times!!!
As a twelve year old, it was all about the shine and the more shine the better! That meant lip gloss all over the lips (and, unfortunately, sometimes above them). Today, as a a mature woman (cough), I recognize the need for restraint and good taste, thus my personal rule that most glosses should function as an enhancement to a more subdued texture and placed in the middle of one's lips. At our age, I think it behooves us to go a bit lighter on the gloss so our lips (and the inevitable lines around them) don’t act as a beacon. My own preference is to put a gloss on over the top of an opaque lip color, first dabbing it on the middle of the bottom lip and then lightly rubbing my lips together to transfer the gloss to the middle of my top lip.
elf’s Pout Perfector is one gloss that benefits greatly from that technique. This stuff really packs a glittery punch with large particles of glitter easily seen in the formula. Normally, that wouldn’t be ideal for me but it really works in this product. As I mentioned in my post Rose Gold and a Tan, this is a great formula for setting off warmer skin tones!
The gloss itself is thick and slightly sticky, but that helps with its staying power, which was about three hours for me, even drinking water during the work day. The packaging is nice and functional although the brush is pretty cheap. But what can you expect for a lip gloss that costs $3.00! I purchased mine at my local Target but you can also get it at elf Cosmetics online.
Pout Perfecter is a definite win for me and a great value!! Have you used this gloss? What do you think?
Ages of Beauty rating: ****
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