I purchased the color Black Blaze at Target for $7.49. It came with a black eyeliner that I also have been wearing (the jury is still out). The brush on this mascara is interest---kind of a curvy, hourglass shape that is supposed to help create a “winged out” look. I don’t love large mascara brushes but this one is actually not bad. One thing it didn’t do was make the mascara “goopy” which is a good thing.
The Black Blaze color was nice but not incredibly deep. As far as being volumizing, it took about three coats on my upper lashes to get a lashy look. There are several CoverGirl formulas that do a better job at volumizing than this one so it really didn’t hit the mark on that claim. It didn’t smudge when worn only on my upper lashes but it did flake (so not great for contact lens wearers). When I wore it on my lower lashes, it was a smudgy mess so it’s a no-go for me. If you don’t have a smudging issue with mascara and a few flakes don’t bother you, then you may want to try this but really, CoverGirl has better mascaras than this in their current line.
Ages of Beauty rating: *
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