Friday, March 22, 2013

Product Review: CoverGirl Clump Crusher by Lashblast Mascara

I spent two weeks testing CoverGirl's Clump Crusher Mascara. Did it pass my flake and smudge test? Click below to find out!

CoverGirl calls their Clump Crusher mascara a "breakthrough in no-clump mascara." They also go on to say that it will deliver 200% more volume and zero clumps. Okay...those are some pretty bold statements! I wore it for two weeks so I got a pretty good idea what it was all about. 

Firstly, the brush is really nice. It's not too big, not too small and really easy to control. I do think that it is a big factor in keeping lashes clump free and for me, Clump Crusher ($6.99 at drugstores and online) did deliver on that promise. 

Two areas that are must haves for me, which CoverGirl doesn't advertise with this mascara, are no flaking and no smudging. I wear contact lenses, so flaking is very bad and as I've written before, MANY so called non smudging mascaras smudge on me (even if I only apply them to the top lashes). Well, Clump Crusher did flake, but only a little (nowhere near as much as the Lash Blast Volume---orange tube--does). It also smudged but only when I applied it on my bottom lashes. 

Finally, how about the claim of 200% volume? Here's the before picture:

And the after picture (2 coats on upper and lower lashes):

Now, to be fair, I have really long and thick eyelashes naturally (not bragging, just saying). I really don't see a huge difference between the pictures. Sure, the one on the bottom has a bit more length but nowhere near 200% more volume (and that's with 2 good coats). Personally, I like a really "lashy" look and for me, this mascara provides more of a natural finish than a lot of volume (or length). 

Would I recommend it? Sure...for a more natural look. I will wear it as an everyday mascara and keep it off of my lower lashes (within 4 hours of taking these pictures, I had smudges underneath my eyes). Weirdly enough, when I wore it only on my top lashes (which is what I normally do), I had no problems with smudging.

Have you tried Clump Crusher? What are your thoughts?

Ages of Beauty rating: ***

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