Today I had an entirely different subject in mind for a blog post but due to a situation beyond my control last night, I thought I’d switch it up a little. My Mom, who has moved into assisted living nearby, got up in the middle of the night one evening last week and fell. She fractured her hip, which is a very serious injury for anyone, let alone an 86 year old. Mom has had some difficulty adjusting to living alone after Dad passed away (she’s never lived alone in her life), which is understandable, and the stress of it all has caused the “sundowners syndrome” to raise its ugly head. Mom’s last night in the hospital was last night and she was terrified so I ended up spending the night at her side.
The hospital staff was very accommodating and understanding. They had a lounge chair/recliner brought into the room and it was actually quite comfortable (a nice surprise!). Because I left the house quickly and had some work to do, I already had my iPhone, iPad and laptop with me (the hospital has free wireless internet). I also was able to call my husband to quickly bring a few items before it was time to go to sleep, thus the inspiration for this post. My goal was to bring him the most important things that 1. he could easily find in the house; 2. would ensure my comfort and 3. could fit into a small bag. Here’s my list:
iPhone and iPad Power Cords
Let’s face it---who among us can live without our electronic devices? Enough said.
Ear Plugs
A must for any hospital stay! I already had a ton of them at home because I wear them every night. Anyone who sleeps next to a snorer knows what I mean (and even someone like me who sleeps with a cpap wearing reformed snorer). Hospitals are noisy places with alarms going off, machines vibrating and phones ringing.
Toothbrush and Toothpaste
These are pretty much a given. I hate morning breath and didn’t want to subject the public to mine so there you go.
Away from home with no available shower equals potential stink. Not only do I not want people to smell me, I don’t want to smell me either.
A comb or pick to brush out my thick head of hair works well when paired with the pony tail holder. It’s enough to get me out of the hospital in the morning and home without too much of a mess. At least that’s what I told myself this morning!
Salicylic Acid Toner and Cotton Pads
The hospital had some decent facial soap that I used in the last evening and this morning. An abbreviated routine had to contain my acid-based toner. My husband was able to pick out my home made toner among the various lotions and potions on my vanity. A little bit of home is nice to have at the hospital.
No hospital gowns for me!! My Karen Neuberger PJs kept me in comfort all night!
A Pair of Underwear
A Tshirt for tomorrow
I wear the Lands End long sleeve V neck t shirts year ‘round. They go with everything and are comfortable. My husband brought me a yellow one that I paired with the navy pants that I wore to the hospital. Comfort city!
Two Pain Killer Tablets for My Back
No matter how “comfortable” the recliner was, my back was killing me this morning. The two pain pills that my husband brought me left me as good as new!
So what would you pack in a hurry? Would any of my choices make your list?
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